In my book, I am addressing the issue of WHY our pastors and top leaders got deceived by the Left, and why they have lost their courage to stand up for truth. There are long-term historical, church history, and social reasons why all men, including our pastors have lost their courage and therefore are susceptible to falling for corruption. We will address the issue of how our children are under massive attack, starting in Grade ONE, with trans-gender insanity. We will address how our preaching pastors and youth pastors are failing to address the wolf heresies that our public schools are teaching them every day.
This was a very painful book to write. As my research continued, I realized that we had lost our courage. Then I discovered why our pastors have lost their courage. Then I discovered the tragic mental health of our youth. My Volume Two will be published a few months after Volume One. Volume Two will talk about the future leading up to 2030 and a one-world-government. The Evangelical church in America is facing a giant crisis of confidence and courage. 2025-2026 must be a FULL-SCALE REVIVAL, and a revival of courage to stand for biblical truth by our pastors. If not, the Evangelical church could split into two groups of Marxist heresy [social justice] and Biblical truth as Voddie Baucham Jr. has warned. Many pastors could be fired, and many churches will split. My goal is to PREVENT those splits. The issue is our prodigals and our depressed and suicidal youth.
However, the ultimate purpose of this book is to educate the pastors and the congregational members, so they can all stand in support of the pastor as he decides to get some backbone to speak the truth. Only if all the church members, elders, and pastors understand what is happening, can we understand what the church is facing leading up to 2030. Most pastors will ONLY preach on controversial topics if they know that the members in the pew are supporting them. We will address later how we can bring about an understanding of why you have a culture war in many of your churches, and how to end the culture war.
"We will address later how we can bring about an understanding of why you have a culture war in many of your churches, and how to end the culture war. Without courage our youth will be LOST. "
The number one fear of any pastor is that their church will split. But, if everyone reads this book to understand how we got into this mess, then everyone can be on the same page of understanding. That is the goal of this book. Although it may seem that I am attacking your local pastor, I am attempting to bring an understanding of why he has lost his courage. It is important to understand why American men in general, and Christian men and pastors have lost their courage. Most pastors and men do not understand what happened to their courage. Once us men understand what happened to us, then we can cry out to the Lord to revive our courage, so we can take a stand against evil and for truth. Then we can help our depressed and hopeless youth that are giving up on life. We must give them hope for the future. Sadly, our Dispensationalist brethren can only see a future of disaster and defeat. They see no hope for a revival. They think only a tiny remnant will remain until the rapture comes any day, maybe tomorrow. There is no future in their thinking, only the rapture and then the anti-Christ takes over. But all the Christians will be gone. They see no need to fight against evil.
These are the Christians that I am trying to reach with a new challenge to reach our defeated, depressed, and left-leaning youth before they vote America into socialism in 2032. That is the reality that American Evangelicals must face head on. No more escapism is allowed. There must be a giant Church History Changing Revival among our depressed youth or America will fall. That is the future that we must face.
Many English speaking children in our churches attend public schools and almost all the Hispanic children attend public schools. It is critical that our children, youth, and college pastors teach biblical worldview and apologetics to all the youth in English. They must understand the unbiblical lies they are being taught in public school. Our youth become prodigals if we do not properly prepare them for the spiritual warfare with biblical worldview and apologetics, starting in grade school.
In light of the Leftist insanity in our culture, it is important that your pastor tell your congregations concerning – trans-gender, pedophilia, trans-humanism, narcissism, Marxism in our colleges, Critical Race Theory [all whites are to blame for every problem in the world], etc.
While it may appear that I am criticizing your local pastor, I am actually putting most of the blame on the seminaries for failing to properly prepare our pastors to understand and address the culture. Instead, they were told to NEVER talk about politics. So, our pastors run in fear. The blame always goes to the TOP, those in leadership. Those are the same leadership that have taken $$$ Millions of dollars from the Marxists [Shepherds for Sale].
My book is an OVERVIEW of what is going on in the American culture, and the American Evangelical church. This book could be considered one Evangelical man’s attempt to educate your pastor about what is happening.
Their seminary refused to address controversial topics, so they are unprepared for the challenges ahead for our churches and our depressed and suicidal youth. Our pastors do not even understand that cultural Marxism has taken over our whole culture. They are still preaching a simple 1950s gospel message [accept Jesus] that our deceived youth cannot relate to in the middle of their false beliefs and depression.
- As you prayer walk the streets of your town, you will contact many people, especially young people, who have never been to church. Those who get saved in the upcoming months will need serious discipleship training, since they will know almost NOTHING about the Bible or Christian living. In the Summer of 2025 each church needs to plan a 9 month curriculum for the new believers to come on Wednesday evenings starting in September 2025. This must include apologetic questions concerning why God allows suffering, injustice, why are we here, what gives us meaning for our lives [leading up to job losses from A.I.], key biblical doctrines, biblical view of marriage, family, business, etc., and address the social issues in our society. They can see the insanity of trans-gendering of their children, woke ideas, Critical Race Theory and Marxism in American culture that is taking over. This is especially important for your Hispanic congregation, who see the signs of what happened in Marxist Venzuela, etc. They do not want the same things to happen in America. They came to America to get away from tyranny.
- We must expect God to move. We cannot rest on our laurels of decades ago. Our pastors must respect the priesthood of all believers. Many inside our church can contribute in areas where the pastors cannot. While they are the leaders, they must accept outside input from qualified church members who can help the church grow. The split between preachers and laity must slowly be removed. In general, our congregation must be open to new ideas, new opportunities, and new vision. Even the elderly must be involved. We must be open to new opportunities that we never thought we could do.
- Within 2 to 3 years persecution will probably be upon us, and the church membership will explode as people come for answers. Church attendance is already starting to increase in many Evangelical churches. The people know that a crisis is brewing. That is what we are preparing for in 2025. After the election, the enemy is planning chaos for America, and we must be prepared.Although Donald Trump won the election, the Marxists in our nation will riot and put all the blame on the Patriots. They are already planning hundreds of lawsuits against every action President Trump is taking. The battle will be ruthless and vicious. Marxists do not give up. Eight years of warfare against Donald Trump will extend into 12 years. They will never stop. The Deep State bureaucrasy will resist at every turn, because Obama put the radicals into the bureaucracy, and they will try to keep their jobs. They must have their socialist utopia in 2030-2032. Our pastors must understand what is happening and speak to the people about what is happening. We are in a cultural WAR. My two books contain materials to help your pastors to get ready and educate their congregations.
- Our pastors must give up all fear of persecution. The congregation is looking for leadership in these difficult days ahead. IF our pastors do not step forward in courage to face reality, and lead the church, then our churches will fall apart when persecution comes. Our pastors must step forward in FAITH and COURAGE like Moses and Aaron to lead the people across the Red Sea. America and the Evangelical church are standing on the edge of the Red Sea of future chaos. But our pastors are not ready to step forward into the turbulent waters of chaos. Pray for your pastor daily.
- We must be desperate for God to move. This involves repentance over our mistakes in the past, especially how we failed our youth and many became prodigals. We must bring back our 29% prodigals, prevent the formation of more prodigals, and reach out to our desperate non- church youth both in college and outside of college who are very depressed about life and are even planning their own suicide.
- As I will discuss later, restoring broken relationships in the community and in the church must be a ministry outreach priority. Our society is being manipulated politically to war against itself, dividing everyone against everyone. This is Satan’s plan, total CHAOS. Training on dating, marriage, and solving relationship problems must be done in classes of 50 at a time. There is no time or staff available to work with individuals.
- Within 2 to 3 years hell will be at our door. Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz were both Marxists. Marxist policies will always lead to chaos. Praise God they LOST. However, the Marxists in our culture and government will fight against EVERYTHING Donald Trump is trying to do. There will be much violence and chaos. In the same way that the people in Ukraine are flooding into their churches during the war, many Americans will come rushing back into the church. We must be ready as a church full of faith and power, ready to handle the desperate people who will be coming through the doors. We must expect God to do great things. The revival could be larger than we ever dreamed. But, we must prepare the church with revival and repentance first in the church. Then we can get ready for the outside people [prodigals and nones] to arrive. The many church feeding centers could be overwhelmed with people as some lose their jobs to robots and A.I. by 2026/2027.
- I am sorry to be so depressing, but this is what is coming. Satan has declared war on America and the whole Western world. The U.S. Evangelical church must prepare in 2025 for what is coming in the 2026 midterm election, or at the latest 2027. The Marxist radicals will react with violence to the policies President Trump will implement, especially the exporting of many violent criminal illegals out of our country. The radicals will unleash the criminals from over the border to create chaos in our big cities. They will terrorize Americans, so we will be tempted to just give up our battle for freedom. We must not give up. The last eight years was lawfare against Donald Trump, Alex Jones and a few other patriots. The next four years will be tyranny and chaos against ALL Americans.
- My second book [Fall 2025] will address issues between 2025 and 2030. The purpose of that book is to provide a “30,000-foot view” of the social, political, and religious conflicts in our society and the church. It is intended to show American Christians and patriots what is happening now, and what the forces of evil have planned for the near future leading up to 2030 [Agenda 2030].
- I have quoted several scriptures [KJV]. The Bible must be our source of truth. Please look up the Bible verses as you read. However, this is not a biblical study of Daniel 70th week, or Revelation. Other scholars have written on biblical prophecy. However, you will see the parallels with the book of Revelation as we see what the forces of evil have planned.
- The second book is especially for our Christian men, laity, and pastors, who know we need to understand what is happening in our culture, but do not have much time to do research. At least you will have a big picture understanding, so you can direct your families and churches accordingly. Every Christian man needs wisdom to face our chaotic national American future.
- The question may arise concerning the qualifications I have to author this book. I have my B.A. in education from Dordt College [Sioux Center, Iowa], and a master’s degree in government public policy from Regent University [Pat Robertson], in Virginia Beach, VA. I have spent over 30 years studying these issues. I am a product of the American Christian school movement, from grade school, high school, college, and through master’s program. My parents sacrificed to send us five children through Christian education, including college and master’s degree. I gave my life to Jesus, Savior, and Lord, through Campus Crusade for Christ. I have spent 10 years as a missionary overseas [W. Germany] and in the USA with Youth with A Mission [YWAM] [Wash. D.C.]. I have studied secular humanism, politics, Islam, biblical world view, a small number of apologetics issues recently, and political conspiracies since the early 1980s. I address many topics and provide many recent book titles for further study if you desire. This is my first published book.
- The future that we are facing cannot all be done by the lead pastor. In a smaller church where there is only a solo pastor, he will need the help of elders and schoolteachers in the church to teach biblical world view and apologetics, based on the many books available from Dr. Barna and many Christian apologists. The main and solo pastor must address the woke issues of trans-gender, pedophilia, child sex trafficking, etc.
The adults in the church must take seriously the priesthood of all believers. Many of the church men during the time of Martin Luther were involved in the work of the church. The church was men-centric, not women-centric like many churches today. A majority of men who go to church today are married. We must reach out to the youth who are NOT in the church but are desperate about the future and see no hope. Please pray for your pastor and share this website with him.
Please join me at this blog each week and share my blog with your friends and pastor.
Thank You,
Larry G. De Young