Our American culture and society are in total chaos and division because the Marxists are trying to overthrow our country. Your average American man has no courage to fight. Your average American Evangelical pastor and male church member has no courage to fight. The forces of evil have destroyed the Evangelical church over the last 150 years. We have a small number of patriots with courage, including President Donald Trump and Alex Jones. Since 2016 an additional number of patriots with courage have come out of the woodwork. However, with few exceptions, most Evangelical church pastors are saying NOTHING and hiding in their back offices.
During COVID John McArthur, Jack Hibbs, Greg Locke, and a few other patriots [Charlie Kirk, Dinesh D’Souza, Roger Stone, Stephen Bannon] resisted the government lockdowns. Every other pastor submitted to the tyranny. COVID-19 was the trial balloon before the REAL tyranny begins leading up to 2030. The Evangelical church FAILED the first test terribly.
"This Means War: We Will Not Surrender Through Silence"
168 pages, 2022, Kindle – $3.00.
Three of the biggest patriot leaders, Charlie Kirk, Dinesh D’Souza, and Roger Stone have endorsed this book. The days of lukewarm and passive pastors and church members are over. We must face the truth, we are in a WAR for the future of the church, and especially for our younger generations. Pastor Greg Locke has called out famous pastors and he has embarrassed them, and they are not happy with him.
The Evangelical church does not even SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING. Klaus Schwab is planning a One-world-government for 2030, but our pastors see nothing and say NOTHING. Bold and courageous leaders like Donald Trump, Alex Jones, and others are under massive political and financial LAWFARE attack in the courts. The goal of the Left is to bankrupt any opposition to their LIES. This is a battle to the death, and right now the Marxists in the U.S. government and culture are winning the battles.
For the last 70 years our pastors have failed to properly prepare our church youth for the WAR against their faith, and 29% of our Baptist and Evangelical youth have become prodigals. We will review why the training in biblical worldview and apologetics is so important for our church youth and our suicidal and depressed non-church youth.
2025 and 2026 will be the deciding point for the American Evangelical church. If our pastors do not courageously STAND UP, some churches will collapse before 2030. Tens of millions could FALL AWAY if our pastors do not stand for biblical truth. In some churches, one of the elders who has faith, courage and leadership abilities will take over the church. It will not be pretty. Conflict and division will be everywhere. That is what will happen if our pastors do not become courageous leaders.
Every Evangelical church must install flashing red lights on STAGE, reminding everyone that we are in a CRISIS. In this book we will review HOW the Evangelical church came to be in this tragic condition. IF our pastors and male church members do not revive their COURAGE, our fall will be CATASTROPHIC.
The days of cowardice must be over. By 2030 Western Civilization will be in total collapse. Europe, Australia, and Canada are under massive attack since COVID. After 1,000 years of battles against Eastern Europe, the Muslim hordes are invading Europe without one shot being fired. 500 years after Martin Luther, Germany, the center of the Reformation, is being destroyed by Islam. Luther WARNED about allowing Turks [Muslims] into Germany.
" The insanity of our rulers also calls down punishments upon us which we have merited for a long time so that our princes became insane and mad and let the Turk [Muslims] come into our land."
Quotes, p. 27.
One of the patriots in the U.K., who is fighting the New World Order and their use of Muslim immigrants to destroy England and Western Europe, is Tommie Robinson. In his latest book he exposes how the one-worlders are planning to take over the world. Muslim men in the U.K. are creating chaos. Recently, in one city they raped over 1,000 children of U.K. native descent. Nothing was done to stop them. No punishment of any type. His book is called Manifesto:
"The 1% knowingly plan to bring about another global conflict and in the aftermath, they will end up in control of the world’s resources and financial systems: “you will own nothing, and you will be happy."
372 pages, 2024
Over the last 150 years the courage of the Evangelical church leadership has been defeated by defeatist Dispensationalism, feminism, no-fault divorce, narcissism, the Johnson Amendment, transgenderism, Critical Race Theory [CRT], and failed seminary ‘silo thinking.’ The Johnson Amendment has destroyed the American Evangelical church via our pastors, because of the failures of Evangelical seminaries. The tragedy is that we do not even understand how it occurred. Slowly, and gradually it has taken place. Our men and pastors have become passive and lost their courage.
THESE are the ideas that have destroyed the courage of all men, including Evangelical pastors and men in the pew. In most cases I will not make a separate chapter for each, but I will mix these causes within many chapters as we discuss the 40 factors that have caused the depression of our youth. Because of the lack of courage by our pastors to address the crisis issues in our society, our youth see no ANSWERS from the church, so they believe the hopeless nihilistic ideology [no reason for living] they were taught in college that leads to a mental health crisis.
In 2023, John Lovell of the www.warriorpoetsociety.com wrote a powerful book about true biblical manhood and our need for strong [warrior] and gentle [poet] men today.
“The Warrior Poet Way: A Guide to Living Free and Dying Well,” by John Lovell, 287 pages, 2023, Kindle - $8.00.
Many pastors are using this book for their men’s groups to study what it means to be a strong and courageous man, while also being gentle with the wives and children.
Another recent 2023 book by Owen Strachan deals with the issue of passive men in our culture.
The War on Men: Why Society Hates Them and Why We Need Them, by Owen Strachan, 238 pages, 2023, Kindle - $15.
“Biblical manhood is under vicious assault as never before. Radical feminism is rampant, while passive masculinity is spreading like a malignant tumor. Society, the Church, and families are being devastated. This book by Owen Strachan, The War on Men, takes significant and decisive steps to point us back in the right direction. Not only does Strachan make the right diagnosis, he prescribes the medicine for the cure. Read this book.” — Steven J. Lawson – one of ten reviewers of the book.
Strachan boldly takes on feminism and “toxic masculinity.” He calls Christian men to follow the boldness of Jesus Christ, not a wimpish passive Jesus. He even challenges feminists and egalitarians to read his book. That is what we need in the church today, a call to brave and courageous Biblical men.
First, Strachan calls our pastors to account for not doing their jobs.
“It is tragic that [Jordan] Peterson and the other influencers mentioned above have in many cases proven more willing to say hard truths than many shepherds of God’s flock…. They need practical answers their developing masculinity presents. Yet frequently, the figures of yesterday who would have given such counsel – pastors, engaged fathers, coaches, teachers, and so on – no longer do so.” [Introduction].
Then Strachan defines what it means to be a godly and strong man.
“The strong man… is not strong in himself; he is strong through the power of God. He is a redeemed man, born again by the grace and mercy of his Maker. He does not live for himself, nor use his strength for selfish ends. Instead, he uses his strength for the good of others, whether physically, morally, intellectually, or spiritually. The strong man is in no way soft, though he treasures women and is gentle and tender with them…. God has made men to stand down evil [soldiers], shoulder hard tasks [construction], lift heavy burdens, and tackle desperate situations [9-11 First Responders], all for the good of women and children.” [Introduction]. [my inserts]
We will see later the incredible influence of Jordan Peterson upon millions of young people. Our youth are crying for answers to life questions, but our pastors refuse to answer them because it might be controversial. This cowardly behavior of our pastors is very ungodly.
Thank you for reading my blog. Please share my website and blog with all your friends and pastor. It is time for the crisis deniers in your church to wake up to what is happening.
God Bless,
Larry G. De Young