This first book is for the Evangelical church in America. It is a call for Evangelical pastors, elders, and men to stand up for biblical truth. The MAGA movement, TPUSA, and many parachurch organizations, which are very important, will not reverse the downfall of America unless our Evangelical pastors and churches take a stand for truth. The silence of our pastors is the crisis in America. The reason for the tragedy of 29% of church prodigals is because our pastors are not preparing them adequately for the spiritual war our youth face when they go to college. Our Gen Z youth outside the church [prodigals, NONES] are in a catastrophic condition, of depression, suicide, and hopelessness. The attitude of our pastors indicates that they have NO IDEA of the true condition of our youth.

This first book will address two types of churches. Our emphasis will be on the Baptist churches and other Evangelical churches. Some are starting to go Woke, especially since Covid-19. Once Covid-19 was over and churches began to meet, some Evangelical Christians discovered that their preacher was preaching a different gospel [love and affirm LGBTQ+]. These church members are baffled and cannot figure out what is happening.
The second group of churches belongs to the Southern Baptist Convention. This first book is my humble attempt to keep the Southern Baptist Convention from going progressive woke. Many of our prodigals are becoming woke or believe in no religion [NONE]. The church members and pastors need to understand what is happening to American Evangelical Christianity and the American culture. We are under massive attack from within and without.
However, most of our Evangelical and Southern Baptist preachers do not have the courage to address the woke ideas in their churches and society. In some cases, the elders are not allowing the pastor to deal with controversial topics. In some cases, the elders do not really understand what is happening in our culture and our churches. Some elders are afraid to hold their pastors accountable to the scriptures. They are allowing the Johnson Amendment [1954] to keep them silent, lest they lose their tax-exempt status. This fear and lack of courage is the crisis in the American Evangelical churches. It is important that every church elder read this book to understand what is happening in the culture and in our churches. Of course, some mega-church pastors have no elder board and are accountable to no one.
Another contributing factor is the pietistic theology that only the SPIRITUAL is important. Therefore, the body, our health, politics, government, education, etc. is not important. Therefore, the pastor thinks it is OK to not talk about these things. Sadly, this pietist attitude comes out of Gnosticism, which says that only the spiritual is important, but the body is not important. So, early Christians thought they could believe right doctrine, but could still do sin with their bodies, since the body was not important like the spiritual. This heresy had to be defeated in the early church, but in the recent century it is back in modern Christianity.
While the Johnson Amendment does not allow ACTIVE political involvement in political campaigns, it does not restrict pastors from offering biblical guidance on contemporary issues. However, because of a lack of courage, our pastors do NOT even discuss political issues that are addressed by the Bible [transgender, homosexuality, two genders, pedophilia, justice, narcissism, feminism], although they are allowed to do so. In reality, our pastors are afraid of division in the church, NOT that the IRS will come after them. They use the Johnson Amendment, as a giant EXCUSE for not addressing controversial issues, when in reality they CAN talk about cultural issues from the Bible. They just cannot get the church involved directly in political campaigns.
The real fear of our pastors is the division and splitting of churches, because our pastors did not deal with the cultural issues for 50 years. The division we see today is the result of 50 years of passive and non-confrontational preaching by our pastors. Half of older church members are biblical in their thinking, and the younger have a mixture of ungodly and godly in their thinking because the pastor refused to discuss controversial issues that the college youth believe.
Later in this book we will address how this division occurred, and how we can solve it. It all goes back to the effect of propaganda and the lack of biblical worldview teaching in our churches. The tragic result is that 64% of [younger] Evangelical church members have a mixture of biblical and un-biblical ideas versus the 35% [older] ones who have a biblical worldview [Barna – 2024]. This is the foundation for the division. This lack of courage to address the ungodly ideas in the minds of the 64% has led to our 29% of Evangelical youth turning prodigal because our pastors will not deal with controversial cultural issues. Our youth do not get answers to their questions, so they leave the church. Those 64% of church members who have a mixture of heathen and biblical ideas could potentially “fall away” in the future when times get hard under persecution. Can you imagine what would happen if a larger part of the 64% of the church “falls away” in the near future leading up to 2030 one-world-government? Some of our churches with compromising pastors could potentially collapse down to HALF their existing size. This is why the lack of courage by our pastors is such a catastrophe.
This failure to address the issues actually allows the two camps to develop until division occurs. This division has developed over many years, since our pastors would not address the false ideas believed by the 64% of church members. The division that exists is because of DECADES of failure to address these falsehoods. At first the false ideas were only affecting 10%, but nothing was done by the pastor, and now 64% have FALSE ideas mixed in with Biblical. These false ideas were NOT addressed by the youth pastors to counteract the college professors, and now the majority of members with FALSE ideas are Millennials and Gen Zs.
The forces of destruction are planning to have a one-world government by 2030, and they plan on forcing America into their system. Most pastors have no idea what the American church and nation are facing. If we do not resist NOW [2025-2026], it will soon be too late. This First book is for the purpose of waking up our Evangelical pastors and church men who have fallen asleep. They no longer have any courage to stand against anything, or for anything. Our youth are in a psychological CRISIS, and our pastors have NO idea what is happening. No neutrality is possible in 2025/2026/2027. Our pastors must be part of the SOLUTION. Our youth are looking at the church and they do not see anything that could help their mental health crisis.
Over the coming weeks we will look over many topics in my book that explain the crisis that the Evangelical church is facing. Thank God, Donald Trump is in office, but still the future will be filled with conflict, chaos, and fear in our society. The Evangelical church must be the anchor in the storm. We must get ready to address the issues and many Americans away from God and the church will flee into our churches for answers. Learn more each week about how we can get ready for the great harvest of souls.