Why There Is Division In The Evangelical Church
In this book I am attempting to explain WHY this conflict over cultural issues is occurring and to bring about UNITY within the church, once we understand what is happening. My goal is for most church members to support the pastor as he courageously decides to deal with the controversial issues of the day. Sadly, many pastors are like politicians, they will not take a STAND, unless they know that the people support them. Division is the greatest fear they have.
In the end, many pastors are not leaders, they are followers according to what the people want, and the direction that the wind is blowing. Many pastors are not in the front, they are following along in the back of the crowd just like many politicians.
A spiritual shepherd is supposed to LEAD the sheep. However, the hireling runs when the wolf [false doctrine] attacks the sheep. Too many of our pastors are hirelings, not shepherds defending the congregation against false doctrine [John 10:12]. Instead of fighting evil [woke, transgender, pedophilia, sex slavery] that is attacking their church members and the culture, they run into their back office.
They think their ONLY job is to preach the bible stories and John 3:16 and give an altar call every Sunday. No, they must prepare their members for the false wolves in sheep’s clothing that are attacking the beliefs of the church members. They are not protecting the souls of those under their care. God will hold them accountable. Certainly, they know that!
Our youth are not being prepared for the WAR at grade school, high school, and university. The wolves scatter the sheep [our youth]. Those are the youth who become prodigals because of the failure of our youth pastors to prepare them for the WAR against their faith. This is especially true of our youth who come from families of divorce and conflict. Many of our youth who fall away are from divorced families because of a missing father.
A leader is out front, when not everyone agrees with them. Did Moses say to the Israelites, “I won’t step into the Red Sea until everyone agrees we should go through the sea?” Of course NOT. As a true LEADER he stepped into the water when the people all behind him were complaining and wanted to go back to Egypt [Exodus 14:11]. The American national CRISIS is the lack of BOLD and COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP in politics [except Pro-life groups, Pro-liberty groups, Christian para-church organizations, Donald Trump, MAGA and TPUSA] and among our Evangelical church pastors and leadership.
We will discuss at great length the many reasons why our pastors no longer have courage like Martin Luther of the past. In no way am I saying Luther was perfect. But he had godly courage, and he fought for truth against the falsehoods of the Catholic church.
Is it true that a pastor should not talk about politics? The Marxist meme – separation of church and state – has given the pastors an EXCUSE to NOT talk about politics, thereby allowing the Marxists to TAKE OVER. They have taken over politics, education, university, media, publishing, etc. because our Evangelical pastors say NOTHING. Ben Dunson clarifies why it is important for a pastor to preach on important moral and political issues.
“Should Pastors Be Political?” by Ben C. Dunson, 8/20/2024, www.firstthings.com.
“Much of the Bible’s ethical teaching is a matter of political concern today. Abortion, transgenderism, justice, marriage, the education of children, and so on, are all matters of fundamental Christian concern. They are also unavoidably political and partisan issues in our world, whether we want them to be or not. Laws are made in each of these areas that will significantly affect Christians and our non-Christian neighbors. They are not concerns that faithful pastors can ignore. The goal of pastors should be to form their people into virtuous politics. The only alternatives are political avoidance or amoral Machiavellianism. Both stances will lead to dire social consequences; neither is an expression of the love for our neighbors taught by Jesus Christ.”

I want to quote another author, Krista Bontrager, who explains that our pastors CANNOT stay neutral in the middle of this culture war against Christianity.
“3 Reasons Pastors Need to Bring ‘politics’ into the Pulpit,” by Krista Bontrager, www.centerforbiblicalunity.com. Feb. 9, 2022.
“3. Some in our congregation are drifting into the errors of the Critical Social Theories, Social Justice, and Progressive Christianity.”
“Pastor, there are people in your congregation - right now - whose souls are on a dangerous path to significant biblical compromise. They are trying to blend Christianity with ideas rooted in the Critical Social Theories. They have been trained by the culture to believe that the only way to relate to others is through the lens of power dynamics, gender, class, and race. And they are bringing these ideas into your small groups and to your youth.”
“There are some in your congregation who are physically still there, but spiritually drifting into dangerous waters, well on their way to deconstruction. They have become blind to biblical truth… Pastor, denial and silence will not solve these problems.”
The future of heaven and hell are hanging in the balance for many [64%] of your younger church members since they have accepted pagan ideas that will soon lead to deconstruction and the rejection of their Christian faith. Being neutral is NO LONGER an option for our pastors. Have they forgotten that the shepherd must guard the sheep from the wolves of false doctrine that are attacking the church in an all-out war?